Citizenship Application
Permanent residents of Canada can apply to become a Canadian citizen if they have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days). Applicants must have filed their taxes for at least 3 years during the 5 years right before their application date. If the applicant is between 18-54 years, they must pass a citizenship test. Further, applicants between age of 18-54 must show that their language skill in either English or French meets CLB level 4 or higher in speaking and listening. Various certificates, diplomas and tests as proof of language skills may be accepted by IRCC.
Citizenship applications can be made online or in paper. Paper applications can be mailed to:
Regular Mail
Case Processing Centre—Sydney
Citizenship Grants
P.O. Box 7000
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6V6
Courier Mail
Case Processing Centre—Sydney
Citizenship Grants
47–49 Dorchester Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 5Z2